Rouge Odyssée

Biennale of Bonifacio #1
27 May - 06 November2022

For the first edition of its Biennale, De Renava chooses to draw inspiration from the motif of the wave as a metaphor for the constant movements that redefine collective identities and visions. The Rouge Odyssée exhibition questions the function of the home as a liminal space in perpetual mutation, the seat of all hopes and tensions. From the Mediterranean Sea where waves of thoughts, goods and people have continued to determine history, the exhibition explores the themes of exile, memory and transmission, inviting the observation of human trajectories.

The title refers to the Homeric epic, in which the first mythical exile from the Mediterranean past, Ulysses, stops at Bonifacio (Canto X). In this poem, the sea always has a purple color, never blue. This red is a symbolic vision which depicts the sea not only as a physical landscape source of desire and peril, but also as a metaphysical space where waves of thought merge and the mechanisms of identity construction crystallize. Adopting this theoretical framework, Rouge Odyssée evokes the experience of home as a place of intersubjective encounters, a territory to claim and an identity to reconstruct in a globalized and post-colonial framework.

Going through the mythological evocation of the home, then through its urban incarnation, the exhibition presents a network of works which offers multiple poetic escapes on the collective heritage and the universality of human vulnerability: this shared consciousness of making facing the same struggles, fragilities and determinisms in a world of hybridization where everything comes together to build one another.

  • Mélissa Epaminondi
  • Anish Kapoor
  • Mat Collishaw
  • Nil Yalter
  • Isaac Julien
  • Kara Walker
  • Barry McGee
  • Sara Sadik
  • Latifa Echakhch
  • Rineke Dijkstra
  • Mao Tao
  • Ange Leccia

For the first edition of its Biennale, De Renava chooses to draw inspiration from the motif of the wave as a metaphor for the constant movements that redefine collective identities and visions. The Rouge Odyssée exhibition questions the function of the home as a liminal space in perpetual mutation, the seat of all hopes and tensions. From the Mediterranean Sea where waves of thoughts, goods and people have continued to determine history, the exhibition explores the themes of exile, memory and transmission, inviting the observation of human trajectories.

The title refers to the Homeric epic, in which the first mythical exile from the Mediterranean past, Ulysses, stops at Bonifacio (Canto X). In this poem, the sea always has a purple color, never blue. This red is a symbolic vision which depicts the sea not only as a physical landscape source of desire and peril, but also as a metaphysical space where waves of thought merge and the mechanisms of identity construction crystallize. Adopting this theoretical framework, Rouge Odyssée evokes the experience of home as a place of intersubjective encounters, a territory to claim and an identity to reconstruct in a globalized and post-colonial framework.

Going through the mythological evocation of the home, then through its urban incarnation, the exhibition presents a network of works which offers multiple poetic escapes on the collective heritage and the universality of human vulnerability: this shared consciousness of making facing the same struggles, fragilities and determinisms in a world of hybridization where everything comes together to build one another.


Barry McGee, Untitled, Biennale De Renava, exhibition view by Félicia Sisco, 2022

Mao Tao, Fishing the Moon, Biennale De Renava, exhibition view by Félicia Sisco, 2022

Anish Kapoor, Descension, Biennale De Renava, Galleria Continua, 2022

Anish Kapoor, Descension, Biennale De Renava, Galleria Continua, 2022

NUNCA, Blood Indigenous, Biennale De Renava, exhibition view by Félicia Sisco, 2022

NUNCA, Blood Indigenous, Biennale De Renava, exhibition view by Félicia Sisco, 2022

Orma Architettura and Marion Valli, Biennale De Renava, photograph by Giaime Meloni, 2022

Orma Architettura and Marion Valli, Biennale De Renava, photograph by Giaime Meloni, 2022


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    Mélissa Epaminondi


    Video, 14,28 mn, 2014, FRAC Corsica
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    Anish Kapoor


    300 x 300 cm, site-specific installation, 2022, Galleria Continua
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    Mat Collishaw


    Aluminium, spotlight, mirror, scaffolding platform, transparent film,, 430 x 540 x 460 cm, 2017, Fundació Sorigué
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    Nil Yalter

    Circular Rituals

    Video, 1,08 mn, 1992, GALERIST
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    Isaac Julien

    The Leopard

    Super 16 mm film transferred in high definition, 18.32 min, 2007
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    Kara Walker

    8 Possible Beginnings or the Creation of African-American

    16 mm film in paper silhouette animation transferred to video, black and white, 15 min, 2005, Sikkema Jenkins & co
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    Blood Indigenous

    Spray and acrylic on canvas, 2017
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    Barry McGee


    Multimedia devices, mural paintings and site-specific installations, Ratio 3
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    Sara Sadik

& Zetla Zone

    Videos, 16,09 min, 2019 et 2020, Galerie Crèvecoeur
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    Latifa Echakhch


    Video, 4,21 min, 2014, Dvir Gallery
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    Rineke Dijkstra

    The Buzz Club

    Two screens video projection, 26,40 min, 1996-97, Max Hetzler Gallery
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    Mao Tao

    Fishing the Moon

    Site-specific installation, water, light, frequence, vibration, 2022
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    Ange Leccia

    La Mer

    Video, 45 mn, 2016